
Crush Your First Week: Tips for Nurturing Your New Fan Community

tips for nurturing your fan community

Best Practices to Retain and Excite Your First Supporters

You did it! Your membership is live and you've got your first crew of awesome supporters. Now let's make sure they stick around. Here's how to nail your first week and keep your members hyped.


1. Deliver on Your Promises - Fast

Your members joined for awesome perks, so don't keep them waiting. Have a "welcome gift" ready at sign-up or exclusive content you post within the first 24 hours of launch.

welcome gift fan community

Use Single's scheduling tool to drip post throughout the week, giving members a taste of what's to come. If you've promised regular AMAs or livestreams, announce the date for the first one. This week is really about showing members that you're in it with them and providing value from day one.


2. Host a "Get to Know You" Livestream

Nothing beats face-to-face interaction - even if it's virtual! This is a perfect way to not only get to know your community but also attract more sign-ups. During the stream, share your vision, take questions from the chat, and let your personality shine. Afterward, post the recording for the latecomers or for anyone who might have missed out.


3. Ask for Feedback (and Actually Listen)

Show your members their voice matters. Create a post asking for their thoughts and ideas. Then, actually respond to those comments. This back-and-forth will shape your community and make your members feel like they're part of something special.


4. Send a Week One Recap

Wrap up your first week with a highlight reel. It's a triple threat:

  • Showcases the value members have already gotten
  • Creates FOMO for the less active folks
  • Builds hype for what's next

Spotlight the week's best bits - killer discussions, popular content, standout moments from your livestream. Then, tease what's coming in week two to keep the excitement rolling.

Remember, this first week sets the vibe for your entire membership. It's your chance to prove to members they made the right call and lay the groundwork for a thriving community that's in it for the long haul. 


Keep the Ball Rolling

As you move past week one, consistency is key. Keep bringing the value, engaging with your crew, and evolving based on what they're telling you. Your fan community is a living, breathing thing - it'll grow and change with you.

Want more ideas to keep your community buzzing? Keep an eye on our blog or hit up our team for some personalized advice.


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