
Product Updates: Release Editing & More

Product Updates: Release Editing & More

We've been hard at work on new features and product updates that will make it easier than ever for your Shopify store to be the powerful, direct-to-consumer sales and content hub it should be!

Release Editing

As you prepare for Fall release season, we're proud to roll out our new release editing feature, giving you complete, real-time control over your D2C Digital Catalog!

Want to begin your album setup but don't have the final assets? Did your release date suddenly change? Maybe you scored a last-minute collab that you want to add to the record?

Changes happen — and sometimes, they need to happen fast. Release Editing allows for track and album updates in real-time leading up to your release day. The flexibility and control to make changes is all yours!

Interested in setting up your next Digital Release with Single Music and our suite of powerful D2C tools? Schedule a demo today and let us walk you through it!

More Feature Releases:

User Permissions

Does your business have a complex supply chain with various "need to know" roles? Our new user permissions settings let you control access and visibility for each team member.


Billing Page Updates

Our billing page updates allow for increased transparency in your distribution financials, as we now offer customizable exports that make reconciling at the end of months, quarters, and years much easier.